Sunday, May 30, 2010

Google Docs

WOW! Yet another new way to use technology to our advantage. While going through the google docs assignment, I learned a lot. The two things that really stood out for me and how I can use this in the future was the fact that I can use it as a teacher or at work, doing what I do. Google docs could definitely be useful at work and in a school setting. For work purposes, it would be nice to share documents and only allowing certain people to edit or even view it. Its also a good way to collaborate on a project or paper.
Lastly, I really liked the fact that I could create a virtual classroom, where I can post announcements, pictures, and much more. As I learned about that, I started to think about how I manage my current swim team of 50 swimmers. It would be nice to keep in contact with papers through that kind of site.
Overall my experience on google docs was eye opening and something I plan to use in the near future.

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